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Celebrating Native American and Alaska Native Heritage With Your Support!

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Celebrating Native American and Alaska Native Heritage With Your Support!

By donating to Vision Maker Media, you’re actively working to create a better future.

“Now more than ever in this time of healing, we need communities to join together, learn more about each other, and by sharing stories and knowledge we can. Every year, Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month focuses on crucial Native American events and is an opportunity to educate the world about Native American history and culture, especially, by bringing Native storytellers to the forefront of the conversation,” says Francene Blythe-Lewis, Executive Director of Vision Maker Media.

Your contribution will directly support the artists and help ensure that Vision Maker Media will always be able to share these personal stories--stories where Indigenous filmmakers and storytellers can share their history and lead the public conversation from their point-of-view.

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